Friday, March 11, 2011

Apple iPad iOS 4.3 Home Sharing Gets Reviewed

If you are one of the iOS faithful then I’m sure you’re aware that the latest version of the Apple tech, iOS 4.3 is now available for download to your chosen iOS device, and iOS 4.3 includes new features one of which is called Home Sharing.

Well Daniel over at Product Reviews has posted his first impressions review on Home Sharing for the Apple iPad in iOS 4.3, so we thought we’d being you the highlights of that review.

Home Sharing for the Apple iPad in iOS 4.3 connects to iTunes 10.2.1 and Daniel says the process is fairly simple with the first minute explaining how to set up the Home Sharing feature and once tunes on in iTunes the user has to go to the iPad settings.

Once you are in settings click on the iPod tab and you’ll be taken to the Home Sharing screen and from there you’ll be able to connect to your iTunes library via the video icons or iPod as long as you have the latest version of iTunes of course.

Once done, a home icon appears in iPod or video with library next to it, click on it and you’ll receive options to connect to different libraries in your home and the user can view all content on their computer through the appropriate icon over a WiFi connection.

According to Daniel the Home Sharing feature is a major upgrade for the Apple iPad removing the need to place the latest movies for home use onto the iOS tablet enabling the user to stream content from their computers.

Personally I don’t have an iPad, nor do I really want one, so can’t really comment on Daniel’s first impressions of Home Sharing, but if any of our readers use this new feature feel free to share your opinions of Home Sharing in our comments area below.