Sunday, April 17, 2011

Codename, Touchscreen Controller by Wii2

Some more information about Nintendo’s now almost outed Wii 2 has come to light and as befits good gossip, it starts out reinforcing what we already knew while adding some crazy rumors into the mix.
Apparently, a three-core IBM PowerPC CPU similar to the Xbox 360?s ticker will be powering the thing, codenamed Project Cafe, so at least we know Nintendo is getting some proven technology that developers already know how to push to its limits. But this is Nintendo, so you just know there’s some weirdness right around the corner.
Wii 2 Nintendo Codename, Touchscreen Controller by Wii2

Six-inch single-input touchscreens and front-mounted cameras embedded in otherwise normal button-covered controllers. Go back and reread that, we’ll wait. You’d think we’ve learned not to second-guess Nintendo through their fifth consecutive year of industry dominance by now, but we’ll just go ahead and bite the bullet. If this is everything new the Wii 2 is bringing to the table, Nintendo, you need to go stick it back in the oven.